Step 1
Mounting the Camera
- Ensure a safe work area with vehicle handbrake engaged
- Select optimal camera mounting location
- Use ladder to reach the camera mounting position and attach safety tether
- Attach camera using built-in magnets on the bottom of the camera mount and attach to roof of vehicle

Step 2
Connecting Power
Electrical work can be hazardous, so proceed with caution. If you are unsure at any point, consult an experienced auto electrician.
- Locate fuse box and switched ignition circuit using a test light or multimedia.
- Disconnect battery terminal
- Disconnect the negative battery terminal to isolate the machine from power
- Splice AiVA red power wire from main harness into switched ignition circuit
- Ground black wire
- Route main wiring harness to AiVA camera safely
- Reconnect power and verify connections

Step 3
Mounting the Remote
- Choose an unobstructed position in the vehicle's cabin to mount the operator remote.
- Attach remote securely with supplied magnets
- Run harness securely to four-pin plug on main harness

Step 4
Connect Camera & Remote
- Attach 12-pin and 2-pin camera plugs mounted on the base of camera unit
- Connect remote hardness to main system
- Verify all connections

Step 5
Camera Configuration
- Download AiVA app
- Create/log into account
- Start the New Installation process and configure:
- Vehicle details
- Time Zone Settings
- Camera count
- Internet connection
- Alert / recording settings
- Scan QR code, input camera positioning and save settings
- Reboot and finalise setup

Step 6
Testing the Camera
- Have colleague walk in camera view
- Verify alert lights:
- Yellow: >5m
- Red (outer): 3-5m
- Red (inner): <3m

Step 7
The AiVA Portal
- Monitor system events
- Review footage
- Manage user permissions